2023 - Q3

In the middle of the year 2023, we want to complete these tasks:

OTC Operation development:

We have been developing our OTC (over-the-counter) operation to allow users to trade large amounts of crypto assets without affecting market prices. This service will be available on our platform shortly and will provide a secure and efficient way for users to buy and sell crypto assets in bulk.

Orderbook Operation development:

We are currently developing the order book feature, which will provide our users with a comprehensive view of the market and enable them to easily place orders for their desired assets. This feature will be available on our platform shortly, allowing our users to trade with ease and efficiency

Fiat-Crypto alpha version:

We are committed to providing a seamless and secure trading experience for our users, and we believe that adding fiat-crypto trading will significantly enhance the accessibility and usability of our platform. We will continue to update our users as we progress on this critical development.

Crypto Swap alpha version:

We are currently working on a cryptocurrency swap feature that will allow our users to exchange one cryptocurrency for another directly on our platform. This functionality will be implemented soon, providing our users with a smooth and efficient experience.

Last updated